Shedding Some Light on Catenary Poles

Shedding Some Light on Catenary Poles

What Is Catenary Lighting and How Does It Work with a Pole?

Catenary pendants are decorative lights hung on a specially designed cable strung between two structures, such as poles. Depending on the setting and the desired amount of light, you can choose either a single, large pendant (exhibit A) or a string of multiple pendants (exhibit B).

Catenary exhibits

Project Information

There are a few details we need to know before we get started on your project:

• The EPA and weight per foot of the string lights and supporting cable, plus anything else mounted on the poles
• Wind zone or zip code in which the poles will be installed
• The distance between poles

To prevent your poles from leaning toward each other over time, we suggest using poles with a minimum of 7-gauge wall thickness and planning for at least a 5% sag on the string lights.

Questions You May Be Asking

Where can catenary pendants be used? Just about anywhere — downtown areas, parks, commercial shopping and dining areas, and school campuses.

Are they safe? Absolutely. Catenary pendants are suspended with weather-resilient cables and can withstand harsh conditions like extreme winds, heavy rainfall, and snowstorms.

How do I calculate sag? Measure the distance in feet between the poles that will be holding the string lights and multiply that number by .05. For example, if you have two 25-foot poles installed at finish grade, and they’re 50 feet apart, the sag will be 2.5 feet. With the string lights attached at the top of both poles, the lowest point of the string will result at 22.5 feet above grade.

Want to learn more? Ready to place your order? Joe can help you out.

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The Best Pole Finish for Preventing Damage and Maintaining Appearance

Making the World a “Smarter” Place, One Streetlight at a Time

The Importance of Regular Light Pole Inspections

About Us

United Lighting Standards has been committed to designing, fabricating, finishing, and packaging high-quality steel and aluminum poles since 1971. We adhere to standards set forth by AASHTO, ASTM International, and NEMA. All of our products are built using fabricating and welding procedures outlined in the American Welding Society (AWS) manual for steel and aluminum to eliminate welding defects and ensure structural integrity.

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