So, you’ve ordered your new light poles – hooray!
To help you plan for the assembly and installation, here’s a breakdown of the hardware that comes with the poles.
Small Pieces
Pole Caps. All side-mounted poles (those with mounting provisions for side mounted fixtures or brackets) are supplied with removable pole caps. Tenon-top poles do not require pole caps.
Grounding Bolts and Button Plugs. “Hang holes” are drilled at the top and bottom of each of our poles in order to move them through our finishing system. The hole at the bottom of the pole also acts as the grounding-lug provision. Insert the button plugs provided in the holes at the top of the pole and then place the grounding screw, washers and nut in the hole located directly behind the hand hole and affix the grounding wire to the screw to properly ground the pole.
Hand Hole Covers. The covers include water-proofing gaskets and locking bars. Simply secure the gaskets and locking bars on the backside of the cover with the provided screw prior to tightening the cover into place.
Base Covers
Steel Anchor-Based Poles come with either ABS composite or custom steel base covers. A standard two-piece ABS cover is secured with four ABS push pins and custom steel covers are fastened with four sheet metal screws.
Aluminum Poles include SAE washers and base plugs for anchor bolts.
Round Tapered Aluminum Poles (7-inch and 8-inch) come with aluminum shoe bases and nut covers.
To view hardware, part numbers, and prices, click here to download our Small Parts Pricing Guide.
Want to learn more about pole assembly, storage, installation, and maintenance? View our product instructions.
Have questions? Let us know.